
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bully: Michael Babcock's Lame Attempt To Intimidate Me Fails. Lol.Updated

2 Updates have been made to this post, February 10 & February 13.

Computer criminal, cyberbully/harasser/stalker, Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster, CoderHyguru, Lilli Alpert, NoCock pretends to be Anonymous and threatens me on with Anonymous Hive retaliation.

What a joke!

Mikey Iz so skeered.

According to him I'm 'scheduled for deletion'. ROFL.

And note that I've never claimed to be part of the Anonymous 'Hive' or 'Collective' and have even explicitly stated on this blog that I'm an outsider who supports the concept of Anonymous and promotes Ops that I agree with and nothing more.

Nor have I lied about anything or 'begged' Anonymous for help.

Mikey. I don't need any Anonymous white knights to rescue me. I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm a woman who runs with the wolves. Not that I expect you to understand what that means. Lol.

I simply pointed out that these Tards were making Anonymous look bad by attacking numerous innocent people with frame-ups, lies, misrepresentations and smear campaigns and suggested that Anonymous openly and publicly disassociate from them.

I don't tell Anonymous what to do. I express my opinion and then it's up to the Collective or the Hive to make their own decisions on how they want to handle these situations.

Babcock needs to hone up on his reading and comprehension skills. His inability to grasp the english language is quite astounding for a person who only speaks english. This, unfortunately, doesn't stop him from spouting his garbage.

Here are the comments I made that drove Babcock to make his batshit crazy threat.

[caption id="attachment_391" align="aligncenter" width="645"] Kitty Hundals comments Kitty Hundals comments[/caption]

Babcock simply proved with his threat and other idiotic claims below that the concerns that I raised were true.

He makes a lame attempt at establishing credibility by smearing another person by misrepresenting a difficult situation that she's been dealing with and making a mountain of that particular, completely irrelevant, and unrelated molehill.

This is typical of these cyberbullies who have no truth to back up their actual pathological lies against people and resort to digging up irrelevant 'dirt' and using that to assassinate people's characters.

They seem to think that if they can find some dirt and prove that's true then everyone will believe all their unsubstantiated lies. No-one said they were rational.

In the end, it's nothing more than a lame tactic to deflect attention away from all the other lies they're spewing for which they have zero evidence.

How do I know this is Babcock? His signature is in his inability to put a coherent thought together. The others are like this as well but each has their own style of incoherence. Lol.

This is his.

Follows is his threat and my response.

[caption id="attachment_390" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Michael Babcock threatens Kitty Hundal with Anonymous Hive retaliation Michael Babcock threatens Kitty Hundal with Anonymous Hive retaliation[/caption]

My blog detailing Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love's ongoing cyberharassment/bullying/stalking campaign against me will be delayed. There's a lot of material and I need to prioritize it and structure it. So it will take a little longer to get that one published.

Update. February 10. Awww Poor Mikey's crying. ROFL.

Mikey's delusions, incoherence, and inability to read and comprehend english are demonstrated yet again.

He keeps claiming that I confessed to some lie in the screenshots above. Good luck finding that confession. It doesn't exist. Lol. That's his delusion and reading comprehension issue.

He also can't seem to make up his mind whether he's responding to me or another person since he jumps back and forth and doesn't identify what he's talking about or the person he's addressing.

I've posted it below. Good luck trying to follow anything he's saying and make sense of it. No-one other than the Bone Yards can follow these lunatic ravings. Lunatic minds think alike. This guy needs some serious help.

For example:

1. There is no admission from me that I lied.

2. Nowhere did I say that the Bone Yard was Babcock's group.

3. I have never tried to 'get into Krees pants'. ROFL (that one's hilarious - it's what someone else is being accused of doing - most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler - not me)

4. I have never met, spoken to, or even interacted with Evie.

The links go to mainstream media newspaper articles. Last time I looked none of us are professional journalists ROFL. (In 2015, years after this was posted, I now write opinion pieces and reviews for Independent Media).

5. Then suddenly he switches into talking about a 'he' which is probably who he was talking about all along but he's so incoherent you can't actually tell. (Most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler Lol. This entire group of nutbags blames me for everything Tim does even though I've never known most of what Tim did, have been mostly uninvolved in Tim's activities, and now know nothing about what he does.)

6. Then he posts a screenshot of a comment that I didn't approve and starts whinnying about it. Well first of all there is no inherent right to lie in Free Speech so I don't feel any obligation to post flagrant, demonstrable lies. That's not censorship anymore than arresting a person who shouts 'fire' in a movie theatre is. Defammatory Libel is a criminal offense in Canada. It's not censorship to refuse to publish it.

7. Then he conflates Tim Wheeler's blog with mine. I am the one and only person running this blog. How many hits he gets has nothing to do with how many hits I get. And the number of hits I get isn't the business of the Bone Yard Tards. I have been publishing my hit rate on my FB wall and I'm perfectly happy with it as are others.

8. And, lastly, this is Michael projecting since I didn't say anything remotely similar to or that could even be interpreted as: "Her game is now, "How dare you post the findings on me, if you do I'll tell everyone you're a great big meanie". This is his and the Bone Yard Tards game. Not mine.

To someone who isn't a Tard it's patently obvious that I'm simply promoting the blog link which exposes these crazies since that is a thread they created to directly attack me and others.

I await Michael's next frothing at mouth rage rant with popcorn in hand. LOL.

To view the image below, click on it. When it opens in a new tab, click it again to enlarge it so that you can read it if you want to read Michael's lunatic ravings. Seriously. I kid you not. This guy sounds like he's completely off his rocker and there isn't a shred of coherency in the entire thing.

[caption id="attachment_400" align="aligncenter" width="259"]Michael Babcocks crying Michael Babcocks crying[/caption]

UPDATE 2. February 13.

Yep Mikey had another lunatic rage fit. ROFL! This one was hilarious and demonstrates clearly what a pansy he is. Essentially he's blaming me for literally everything that Tim (Timm) Wheeler has done to him and he's even lying about a lot of the things that have allegedly been done. I don't know what Tim (Timm) Wheeler does but I'm certainly not aware of a lot of the things he's alleging. Nor have I changed a single word I've said about anyone. The fact that Mikey can't comprehend what he reads and constantly either misinterprets it or intentionally fabricates convenient lies around what's said isn't my problem.
In addition, there's a lot of well-founded evidence-based suspicion that Tim Wheeler has never actually been a target and that he has been working with the Kreepies from the beginning. Many believe this whole thing was just a lame attempt to set a whole bunch of innocent social activists up to either just smear and discredit us or in my case engage in extortion (which actually occurred).
At any rate, it's their game to constantly change and reinvent their story not mine. Anyone who has followed these happenings knows that I'm completely consistent in my positions and they don't change other than my naive belief that Wheeler was an ally. He isn't and apparently never has been. Some of what Mikey is alleging has already been demonstrated as complete fabrications  Past experience tells me he just fabricating more lies. He does that whenever one set of lies has been exposed. He just moves on to fabricate more.
Essentially he uses the same FAIL strategy that pansy,  Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating UK teen Kree Love follows.
They're both too chickenshit to take on their real nemesis so they target all sorts of other innocent people instead.
I have done nothing to either of these Tards except defend myself against their constant barrage of pathological lies, harassment and now I'm exposing their lies and frame-ups of innocent social activists. I don't agree with everything those social activists say and do either. That doesn't mean they deserve to be bullied and abused for it. I have also demonstrated irrefutably in some cases that the specious allegations being made against these social activists, including myself, are lies being supported by frame-ups.
This is why the Tards are going full on batshit.
All Bullies hate to be exposed and it's drives them completely nuts when someone succeeds in doing that. So they resort to all sorts of strategies to mitigate including fail attempts to mock the truths that have been revealed.
The reality is that if you do a good enough job of exposing them they can't mitigate and that's what brings on the frothing lunatic rages and threats and attempts to mock the truth (despite the fact that it's patently obvious to any rational observer that the exposures are true).
You can see the lunatic rage demonstrated by the email below along with a new set of threats in a lame attempt to shut me up. That isn't going to happen until every single lie posted by these guys is removed..It really is that simple. If they want me to 'walk away' then remove the lies and I will happily walk away.
I never wanted this fight in the first place. I was dragged into it and thrown into the middle of the ring by the pansy Antonio F Lopez who lied intentionally to justify it.
Now the pansy Babcock is doing the same thing. Well there are consequences to that behavior.
Suck it up boys or remove the lies.
All I really have to say in addition to that, and to both of them, is to grow a pair. Act like men instead of little crying pansies and deal directly with Tim (Timm) Wheeler (which you haven't done since it's quite likely you're working together). I have nothing to do with what he does and they've both been told that repeatedly. Their intentional stupidity and ignorance isn't my problem.
Note that I've ignored all of Babcock's responses on AnonNews and have not responded to this following email. Nor will I. I don't see the point of bothering to try to reason with lunatics who are raging. There is nothing to be gained by that.

From the email:

"You want a bully so damn bad Kitty, congrats, I'll give you one, and I'll make sure you never sleep, eat or have a moments peace to your name again."

" By the way, just to let your  loser ass know something......Telegraph Journal...... Game on bitch.... Gonna be a great piece about how these 2 disgraced lawyers are helping and aiding criminal elements claiming they are all "anonymous". Well fuck your Anonymous, fuck your mask, fuck your lies."

Well at least he's not pretending to be #Anonymous now and threatening me with being 'scheduled for deletion'. ROFL.

[caption id="attachment_414" align="aligncenter" width="645"]More crying and threats from Michael Babcock More crying and threats from Michael Babcock[/caption]

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