Updated on January 7 to include flow chart created by a follower of th3j35t3r.
Updated on January 9 to include the reference to an article verifying that Sabu was not first identified by Emick and Backtrace Security as she claims.
What better way to start the New Year 2014 than by starting with one of the Internet's well-known and infamous cyberbullies.
Jennifer Emick aka Narco Troll aka AsherahResearch, et al. She's infamous because she's not only managed to piss off Anonymous but apparently likes to stalk th3j35t3r on a regular basis and/or his friends and followers. In fact she seems to have the unique ability of being able to piss all kinds of people off regularly.
When I asked her directly on her @asherahresearch twitter feed why she hated him so much and wondered if the reason might be that she'd never been able to ID him. Her reply was that he was allegedly obsessing about her.
The problem with her spin of being the persecuted one is that if someone actually bothers to check out the @greenman995 feed, which is one of her socks, it's quite obvious that she's the one constantly instigating the harassment and she's pretty abusive about it. He ignores her for the most part and responds occasionally to point out a hypocrisy or a lie and then moves on.
The following flow chart created by a follower of th3j35t3r is an amusing but fairly accurate depiction of what actually occurs. Lol.
[caption id="attachment_344" align="aligncenter" width="362"] Narco Troll (see: Bully: Jennifer Emick)[/caption]
The obsession is clearly hers, so reality and the evidence, as usual isn't consistent with Ms. Emick's storyline.
At the bottom of this post there's an image containing the @greenman995 feed just to give you an idea of the abuse heaped on th3j35t3r, et al, daily by this one sock account of Emick's. Or you can just click on the link above. Note that she has other socks and there are other people that she allies with to keep th3j35t3r pot stirred. Read about Marsden, a serial stalker who tried to seduce him and Ortega.
There's been a great deal written about Emick (just follow the numerous links I've embedded here and you'll eventually get the whole story) but a summary of who she is and what she does or at least what she would like to be doing, is probably best described here:
Backtrace, now operating under a different name, specializes in what you might call tattling. Snitching. Ratting people out ... It's a simple business plan: she digs up the dirt and sells it. --- This Is What Happens When Anonymous Tries To Destroy You
Jennifer Emick is 41 years old, from the Mid-West and is a house wife and mother. After being fired from Backtrace she started Asherah Research, her own version of Backtrace with much the same business plan but no obvious structure. She appears to be using the Backtrace domain for a blog where she uses her company name, Asherah Research Group.
The web site for Backtrace Security has been suspended.
In the case of th3j35t3r, she is certainly engaging in cyberbullying and harassment as well as encouraging others to participate. Twitter is full of an overwhelming number of examples of these types of exchanges.
For example, @greenman995, Emicks sock Twitter account, intentionally provoked th3j35t3r with this Tweet shown below, when he was promoting the blog post I wrote about the constant harassment he's subjected to on Twitter. So, @greenman995 instigated this exchange with a personal attack on both th3j35t3r and myself.
Now note that it is just my association with th3j35t3r and nothing more that provoked this so it really doesn't take much to get some people going. Obsessive much?
The linked to articles provide evidence of Jennifer Emick's:
1. Crimes
2.. Obsessive hate-ons, harassments, deceptions and lies.
Even her claims to having been the one who doxed Sabu have been refuted in this Daily Dot article, Leaked arrest warrants suggest Sabu wasn't the only FBI mole in Lulzsec
"The FBI had already obtained Monsegur’s IP address during a hack of a business referred to in the warrants “corporation-1.” This challenges earlier reports that he was first identified by a web security company called Backtrace Security."
I can't think of anything more inhumane, psychopathic and just downright evil than someone spending their entire life doing nothing but digging dirt up on people so that you can destroy them without some legitimate reason. There are some people who spend all their time doing damage to others that need to be put out of action or need some strong deterrents. That isn't the same thing as targeting people who you don't like or you disagree with, with this type of harassment.
Since there was so much abuse being directed towards me by Jennifer Emick on her Twitter stream I have decided to do an update.
All I have to say about this is that Jennifer Emick is a shameless whore who will go to any lengths to discredit those who criticize or object to her bullying behavior. Psychopaths frequently use social activism as a cover but give themselves away when they contradict themselves self-servingly over and over again.
The explanation to the deceptive misinterpretations and other garbage spewing from Ms. Emick's mouth can be found here: From The Shadows, a fictionalized memoir by Kitty Hundal (If the link is broken, the direct url is http://books.kittyhundal.com ).
Only the crazy would be unable to differentiate between a person who is simply describing in detail the acts of a crazy person and one whose behavior is crazy. This is likely why Jennifer is unable to comprehend this simple fact and tries to kill the messenger with her bullying and abuse completely unconcerned as to the consequences of her behavior on others.
She attacks me for what she thinks I've written without any objective, verifiable evidence that I've demonstrated any behavior that could be defined as 'crazy' simply to discredit me for challenging her.
I have demonstrated directly and through the links that she has an active and current history as a cyberharasser, cyberbully, cyberstalker against those she doesn't like for any reason, none of which have to be legitimate other than in her own mind.
Thanks for proving that everything said in this blog and those linked to it, about you is true.
Well written. Always love seeing Jen Emick put in her place.
ReplyDeleteGreat article, Kitty. Cyber bullies need exposing and thanks for your website. I wanted to let you know this link from your article is broken - From The Shadows, a fictionalized memoir by Kitty Hundal.