
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bully: Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love, Documentation ofCyberharassment. 1 Updated.

Updated January 15. Kreepy found a taker for his bounty! Lol.

In this post, I'm going to refer to Antonio F. Lopez, the 30 year old American, impersonating 16 year old Kree Love, as either Kreepy or Peter Pan. It's just simpler.

In my earlier post, Kree Love: Evidence of Lies, I provided some documentation of Kreepy's cyberharassment/stalking campaign against Jamie McKinley. By the time young McKinley was done with Kreepy he was running for cover and stole the identity of a 16 year old UK teen to cover his tracks and hide.

However, patterns of behavior persist (the cyberharassment/stalking) and Kreepy has learned a few things since then.

For example, he's now learned that he can engage in cyberharassment/stalking by staying out of the front lines and manipulating others into doing it for him so that he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of his own behavior. They do. He can just sit back and enjoy the show.

He's also learned to select targets that are vulnerable in some way (or that he thinks are vulnerable) to ease his way and mitigate against the threat of retaliation.

The reality is that Kreepy has a long term demonstrated history of engaging in, and taking pleasure in, cyberharassment/stalking.

Why he does this actually doesn't matter. Some people claim that those who have been bullied in real life will often come online and engage in bullying to exact revenge as though this is something that should be considered a mitigated factor. It isn't. It's no more a mitigating factor than child abusers who were also abused as children. Why? Because the reality is that there are far more people who have been victims of bullying or child abuse who don't engage in cyberbullying or abusing children than there are those who do. This is the indication that there is no causal relationship between the two. Given the documented strategy of bullies and abusers to blame their victims or others for their crimes one would have take any claims they made of being victims themselves with a strong dose of skepticism and require evidence.

In the post, CyberHarassment, A Pattern Of Behavior, I look at general issue of cyberharassment and how Kreepy and some of the others mentioned in this blog fit the profile by describing their activities in general terms.

In the post, Antonio Lopez aka Kree Love, Narcissist, I explore the personality profile and how he demonstrates the profile with his own behavior.

This post will go into a little more depth on how he fits the standard cyberharasser/stalker profile in the context of the things that he has tried to do to me and failed or did to me.

The generally recognized profile of the Kreepy style of cyberharasser/stalker is:
"Although traditional bullying and cyber bullying share certain features, they are distinct phenomena. Both types of bullying are acts of aggression, are repeated, and involve a power imbalance between the victim(s) and perpetrator(s)."

See more at:
"Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals view most stalkers as suffering from a psychiatric illness(s) causing them to be psychotic or delusional. When not deemed as psychotic, stalkers are considered plagued by some type of personality disorder or fueled by unique psychological factors. In the most severe cases, the stalker is defined as a predatory stalker or sociopath.

Whatever the psychological rationale may be, the stalker rarely comprehends the fear he/she is causing the other person. Blinded by his/her motivations to be stalking someone in the first place causes them to lose sight of the fear and terror they are causing. When anger, rage and hostility towards the victim are involved, the stalker is fully aware of the anguish he/she is causing, but feels the victim is deserving of the fear or simply does not care.

II. Resentful Stalkers: This type of stalker can be dangerous given their perceived motivation for stalking. Resentful stalkers are fully aware the victim is cognizant of the stalking, but continues to fulfill a distorted vendetta he/she feels is warranted. Fear and distress experienced by the victim are the goals of this type of stalker. For this type of profile, the stalker believes the victim both deserves and requires being frightened because they have caused them and/or others anguish and distress."

Note that the resentment the stalker feels can be perceived rather than real. That is, they can target a person for any number of reasons that have nothing to do with the victim or their actions, but rather be the result of a misinterpretation or delusion.

A current example which demonstrates that Kreepy fits the profile of the Resentful Stalker perfectly can be seen in the following screenshot of a post Kreepy posted to the The Bone Yard last night (January 14). In what appears to be a fit of rage, Kreepy has posted a 'bounty' (LOL) on me. He wants all my content removed and my ability to create new content prevented.

Now, let me just take this opportunity to point out that Kreepy is well aware of the fact that I have repeatedly and generously (in my opinion) given him a way out of this.

He has been told, repeatedly, that all he needs to do is remove the lies he has posted about me as well as the lies he's had others posted about me and I will deactivate this content. 

So why won't he accept this easy way out? Because he doesn't want the drama, the cyberharassment and the cyberstalking to end. He wants to perpetuate it.

The reasons that he's in a rage right now is because:

1. He hasn't been able to recruit outside parties to target me other than 2 who are also cyberharassers/stalkers in their own right. The first was Michael Babcock, who he knows is untrustworthy, unreliable, and quite unstable. In fact, Babcock more than any of the other cohorts in Kreepy's little RatKrew, is destroying any credibility they might have had because he is obviously either delusional or a pathological liar. Little of what he says matches reality. The second was Heather Martin who, while leaving her hate blog up, has run for cover. Heather is known for her deceptions, vicious gossip, and propensity to defame anyone who disagrees with her. Neither can be dealt with rationally by reasoning with them. It's been tried. It doesn't work.

2. I have exposed his real identity as Antonio F. Lopez which effectively exposes him as having committed the computer crime of Internet Criminal Impersonation. The other crimes he has committed are now tied to his real name rather than allowing him to hide behind the name of a young, innocent kid, which is what he's been doing up until now.

His goal here is to intimidate me into stopping my exposure of him without him having to back off his public lies about me so that he can continue the cyberharassment with impunity.

This is the indicator that he is a cyberstalker/harasser:

1. "Both types of bullying are acts of aggression, are repeated, and involve a power imbalance between the victim(s) and perpetrator(s)." (extracted from above quotes)

2. "Resentful stalkers are fully aware the victim is cognizant of the stalking, but continues to fulfill a distorted vendetta he/she feels is warranted. Fear and distress experienced by the victim are the goals of this type of stalker." (extracted from above quotes)

In my opinion, Kreepy's rage is fueled by the fact that he is not succeeding in his goal as described in item 2 above, so he chooses to escalate his lame attempts to intimidate and harass to try to achieve that goal.

He ignores the reasonable and rational solution offered because it would establish a power balance and it's the imbalance he desperately seeks to maintain as item 1 indicates.

"Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals view most stalkers as suffering from a psychiatric illness(s) causing them to be psychotic or delusional. When not deemed as psychotic, stalkers are considered plagued by some type of personality disorder or fueled by unique psychological factors. In the most severe cases, the stalker is defined as a predatory stalker or sociopath." (extracted from above quotes)

[caption id="attachment_422" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Kree Love posts bounty on Kitty Hundal Kree Love posts bounty on Kitty Hundal[/caption]

January 15 Update

Well it looks like Kreepy found a taker for his bounty.

Now, let me just say, that it's highly ironic and amusing that Kreepy who claims to be an 'IT expert' has to bribe someone to take my sites down. I mean isn't he like a l33t h8x0r teen genius or something? Or perhaps his l33tness is as much a fraud as his identity and his numerous others cons and scams.

[caption id="attachment_432" align="aligncenter" width="520"]Kreepys alleged qualifications Kreepys alleged qualifications[/caption]

If the person who accepted the bribe were to succeed in bringing my sites down (and given what I know of the skillsets of FB 'h8x0rs', it's unlikely) I have to wonder how he plans to keep them down and ensure I don't repost.

Does he believe in magic or something. Lol!

To view the screenshot, click on it. When it opens in a new tab click on it again to enlarge the image and it will be readable.

[caption id="attachment_427" align="aligncenter" width="205"]Kreepy finds a taker on his bounty Kreepy finds a taker on his bounty[/caption]

This documentation will spread out through several posts to keep the posts from getting too long, convoluted and difficult to follow. Consider this the Introduction to the topic.

The format will be to take the profile and demonstrate through screenshots of Kreepy's actual behavior how that behavior matches the profile of a cyberharasser/stalker.

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