
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bully: Michael Babcock. One 'Sick' Dude.

Mikey (Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster, CoderHyguru, Lilli Alpert) is probably one of the most twisted people I've ever met online, second only to Kreepy (Antonio F. Lopez impersonating UK teen, Kree Love).

He goes to the most bizarre and extreme lengths in his harassment campaigns. Right now he's desperately trying to earn the bribe Kreepy offered to have all of my sites shut down and to have me 'suppressed'.

Funny given Kreepy's claims of his personal l33t h8x0r status. Lol.

Anyway, I recently created a backup blog on another site which I have not publicized at all. It's purpose is simply to be ready if Kreepy and his little cyberharassment kult succeed in conning my current site into shutting me down for exposing their harassment and criminal activity.

I haven't even finished it yet. There is still quite a bit of work to do on it because the imports from this site to the other site aren't very good.

And yet, today, out of the blue I have receive over 400 hits on the About page of my new blog.

Bizarre for a blog that hasn't even been promoted ... until I read one of Michael Babcock's rage emails sent to me today where he accuses someone else of using a hit blaster on their site.

Oh. The. Irony.

Babcock is well known for the fact that he is the one who uses Hit Blasters to increase his hits and Fake Followers software on his Twitter site and Fake Friends software on his Facebook pages. This is his thing.

Now, the fact that he would hit my brand new, unfinished blog which hasn't even been publicized yet is an indication that he's planning to file a false complaint alleging that I did it.

How sick and twisted is that? Seriously.

However, don't forget that he's also the one who created that Fake Pro-Pedo web site using a domain name that contained another persons name to frame that social activist and fabricate evidence that his lies about him were true.

And he's obsessively publishing numerous almost identical blogs all over the place attacking me and 11 others amongst other things.

I suspect that he's desperately trying to earn the 'bounty' Kreepy has offered to 'suppress me' and 'remove all my content'.

So, is it surprising? No.

Good luck with that Mikey. You'll be lucky if you ever see a dime. Even if you succeeded. ROFL.

[caption id="attachment_456" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Michael Babcock Raging And Projecting About Hit Blasters Michael Babcock Raging And Projecting About Hit Blasters[/caption]


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bully: Antonio F. Lopez impersonator of Kree Love. Documentation ofHarassment 2.

Antonio F. Lopez, impersonator of UK teen, Kree Love, has been engaging in cyberharassment/stalking for several years as I've indicated in previous posts.

This appears to be an activity that he enjoys engaging in since he essentially picks a target, someone he resents for reasons known only to himself but appear to include jealousy as a component, and then fabricates reasons to justify targeting that person. The purpose of fabricating reasons is to recruit support, convince that support to move into the front lines, so that he is in a low risk observer position but can enjoy the show and enjoy the perceived power of being able manipulate foolish people easily.

Going back to the extracts of the quotes I provided in the previous blog we can see that these are key factors involved in the psychiatric disorder of cyberharassment and cyberstalking as well as real life criminal harassment and stalking.

There is a difference between normal online arguments and full-fledged cyberharassment campaigns as I've demonstrated in previous blog posts. Normal people do not engage in lengthy and persistent cyberharassment and cyberstalking campaigns.

1. “Both types of bullying [cyber and real life] are acts of aggression, are repeated, and involve a power imbalance between the victim(s) and perpetrator(s).”

2. “Resentful stalkers are fully aware the victim is cognizant of the stalking, but continues to fulfill a distorted vendetta he/she feels is warranted. Fear and distress experienced by the victim are the goals of this type of stalker.” (extracted from above quotes)

In this post I will only be publishing small extracts from chats and other material which is available in a more complete and detailed form on this web site: If you scroll down on that web site you will see an embedded PDF document which contains everything in detail.

This began in November 2012, when Antonio aka Kree attempted to recruit me and other people associated with Anonymous anti-pedophilia social activism on Facebook into his DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam which he tried to sell as a 'sting'. Most of us rejected this recruitment attempt. However, I left on friendly terms and maintained a friendly relationship with him fully expecting that he and anyone he recruited would eventually find themselves in jail, given that it was an obvious fraud and not a 'sting' as he claimed.

He had asked me not to tell TW about his activities. I agreed and didn't say anything to TW.

There are, however, some interesting things about this recruitment attempt that should be pointed out.

In October, he had mentioned that he had found a paying job. So when he attempted to recruit me, I asked him if he was being paid to do this. I was wondering if this was the paying job he had referred to previously.
[11/3/2012 7:41:19 AM] [removed]:is someone paying you to bring them down?

[11/3/2012 7:41:26 AM] Kree Love: not bring them down.

[11/3/2012 7:41:36 AM] Kree Love: to massivly scam a bunch of pedos out of 500k.

[11/3/2012 7:41:38 AM] Kree Love: a month.


[11/3/2012 7:42:11 AM] Kree Love: and basically

[11/3/2012 7:42:21 AM] Kree Love: we've created a store

[11/3/2012 7:42:24 AM] Kree Love: which sells children

It's pretty clear here that this is the paying job.

So my questions are:

Who would pay Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating UK teen, Kree Love, to do this and why?

What was the ultimate goal of this paying job?

Was it to scam pedos? Or, Was it to entrap certain people associated with Anonymous?

The end result would likely have been the latter as a result of the first if everything had played itself out. That is, if those of us targeted for recruitment who weren't direct personal friends of Kreepy had agreed to participate.

We didn't.

Now let me just say here and emphasize that I seriously doubt this was Fed Op to target Anonymous. The Feds to my knowledge don't work in this way. That is, they are far more interested in the serious hackers in Anonymous like those who were members of LulzSec than they are in a bunch of anti-pedophilia Facebook activists who don't generally spend time on DarkNet. And those were the types of people that Kreepy was trying to recruit.

So, I don't know the answers to those questions. All I can say based on the facts that I currently have is that it's clear by the conversation, that he was being paid to recruit people to participate in a DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam.

On February 8, 2013, despite several friendly exchanges with Kreepy and no indication from him that anything was wrong, I went to a Facebook group that we were both members of at that time and found the following item posted to the group.
Kree Love: "I'd like to give a round of applause to T[removed] W[removed] and Kitty SoftPaws Hundal for consistently threatening me over the past week or two. But for Kitty, many thanks for attempting to destroy an Echelon operation, and I hope you enjoy your Dox this weekend."

Now, I knew absolutely nothing about what he was talking about. TW hadn't shared any information with me. Kreepy hadn't shared any information with me and I was caught completely by surprise by these false accusations. I had no idea why or what had triggered this.

When I asked, Thomas Schroeder aka Thomas W. Cook's response was to engage in lame attempts at 'trolling' which can be translated as 'behaving like a tard' since he doesn't know what trolling is. Essentially, he refused to provide any information about these allegations or evidence to support them. Kreepy later appeared and did the same.

Since I hadn't even communicated with Kreepy over the previous two weeks before the Feb. 8, 2013 post, and since Kreepy refused to provide any evidence, It was obvious to me that Kreepy was lying for some reason.

If someone had been engaging in a deception by using my name in communications Kreepy would have provided that and I would have had something to investigate. The fact that he didn't provide that and hasn't to this date, was the indicator that he was lying.

At this point I had no idea what he meant by attempting 'destroy an Echelon operation'.

Essentially Echelon is a fantasy of Kreepy's who appears to have spent a little too much time on gaming servers. It doesn't exist.

Finally after a lengthy going back and forth which continued into the next day, on February 9, 2013, Kreepy finally revealed that it was related to his DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam. At this point I explained that I had not said anything to anyone including to TW about his scam.

TW had apparently been posting the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam pricelist that Kreepy had created on Twitter and Facebook. I was unaware of this at the time.

TW later joined the thread and stated that I was not the one who provided the information to him, it was someone else.

However, Kreepy insisted that it had to be me because he allegedly hadn't provided anyone with the document outside of the people listed in his Skype group at the time he added me. This came out in a Facebook chat initiated by Christopher J Erwin aka Jason Steele in an attempt to intimidate and harass me into 'confessing'. Since I hadn't done what I had been accused of there was nothing to confess and I made that clear to the numerous participants that had been added to the discussion.

This was his second fabrication since there were in fact two men who were not in the group at the time I was there who Kreepy attempted to recruit and to whom he sent the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam price-list. And there was a third man who was in the group when I was there but also rejected the recruitment attempt as well. So, there were four possibilities for the leak altogether.

This fabrication has now been exposed because TW outed the person who gave him the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam price-list.
[2/8/2013 5:25:23 PM] T[removed] W[removed]: kk... just get me that link pls.. perhaps some fear will help save Kree.. I"m putting some ' SE' plays out there.. he just may have you to thank if it is not too late.. but just lay low , I appreciate that tidbit of info, I just need a direction to point the gun most times

[2/8/2013 5:29:54 PM] *** B[removed] J[removed] sent EchelonPrices.pdf ***

There is a voice recording of the interaction on the web site as well.

[caption id="attachment_436" align="aligncenter" width="471"]Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating Kree Love and exchanging the PDF with BJ Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating Kree Love and exchanging the PDF with BJ[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_437" align="aligncenter" width="392"]Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating Kree Love providing a sample communication with a buyer to BJ Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating Kree Love providing a sample communication with a buyer to BJ[/caption]

Michael Babcock also, mistakenly, outed the fact that another person had told Connie Wierick about both the scam and the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam pricelist long before TW had sent her the pricelist. Babcock is obsessive about posting every single chat and email exchange he has engaged in with anyone publicly on paste-bin or other similar sites. He did this with a chat he had with Connie. He then, provided TW with the link in one his rage email exchanges with TW.

In addition I saw a communication between TW and the third person where he explained what happened in his interaction with Kreepy.

I have screenshots of the these last two as well but at this point all we need is the above to demonstrate that Kreepy lied. He had indeed given the pricelist to someone who was not in the group when I was there and it was that person who provided TW with the information about the scam and gave TW the DarkNet Child Trafficking Price List.

Kreepy is well aware that both of his fabrications have been proven to be irrefutably false and yet he continues to focus all of his attacks on me.

He and his little cult of followers ignore TW for the most part which is ironic because he was the one who actually exposed the scam and put all of this in motion.

Kreepy continues to use TW as bait to recruit people and then divert them into targeting me instead of TW who is the person they actually have issues with.

Since BJ was outed by TW, he has also been targeted quite viciously by various people who I believe were incited by Kreepy through his shills to target him.

Given this attitude of Kreepy's from the start, it isn't surprising to me in the least that he refuses to accept my very reasonable offer, that if he removes the lies about me, I'll deactivate the blog posts exposing him and walk away from it all.

He would then be free to go after TW if he chooses to. After all, that is what he's claiming that he wants to do after he's 'taken me out'.

It is, of course, just another lie.

Kreepy is a seriously disturbed cyberharasser/stalker who enjoys targeting people. He has no interest in Tim and doesn't care that his DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam was exposed.

He just needed an excuse to target someone. He's enjoying the success he achieved at manipulating certain fools into targeting BJ.

He's being less successful with me because I'm forcing him to stay in the forefront and not letting him sidetrack me into fights with others and frankly he's just not very good at it technically or socially given all the alleged expertise he claims in IT and Social Engineering.

Which is why he had to bribe someone to take over and do his dirty work for him.

He couldn't convince anyone to do it for free other than a bunch of equally incompetent failures who are contributing more to discrediting him than they are helping him. Lol.

[caption id="attachment_448" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Kreepys offer of bitcoins to target Kitty Hundal is accepted Kreepys offer of bitcoins to target Kitty Hundal is accepted[/caption]

More to come ...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bully: Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love, Documentation ofCyberharassment. 1 Updated.

Updated January 15. Kreepy found a taker for his bounty! Lol.

In this post, I'm going to refer to Antonio F. Lopez, the 30 year old American, impersonating 16 year old Kree Love, as either Kreepy or Peter Pan. It's just simpler.

In my earlier post, Kree Love: Evidence of Lies, I provided some documentation of Kreepy's cyberharassment/stalking campaign against Jamie McKinley. By the time young McKinley was done with Kreepy he was running for cover and stole the identity of a 16 year old UK teen to cover his tracks and hide.

However, patterns of behavior persist (the cyberharassment/stalking) and Kreepy has learned a few things since then.

For example, he's now learned that he can engage in cyberharassment/stalking by staying out of the front lines and manipulating others into doing it for him so that he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of his own behavior. They do. He can just sit back and enjoy the show.

He's also learned to select targets that are vulnerable in some way (or that he thinks are vulnerable) to ease his way and mitigate against the threat of retaliation.

The reality is that Kreepy has a long term demonstrated history of engaging in, and taking pleasure in, cyberharassment/stalking.

Why he does this actually doesn't matter. Some people claim that those who have been bullied in real life will often come online and engage in bullying to exact revenge as though this is something that should be considered a mitigated factor. It isn't. It's no more a mitigating factor than child abusers who were also abused as children. Why? Because the reality is that there are far more people who have been victims of bullying or child abuse who don't engage in cyberbullying or abusing children than there are those who do. This is the indication that there is no causal relationship between the two. Given the documented strategy of bullies and abusers to blame their victims or others for their crimes one would have take any claims they made of being victims themselves with a strong dose of skepticism and require evidence.

In the post, CyberHarassment, A Pattern Of Behavior, I look at general issue of cyberharassment and how Kreepy and some of the others mentioned in this blog fit the profile by describing their activities in general terms.

In the post, Antonio Lopez aka Kree Love, Narcissist, I explore the personality profile and how he demonstrates the profile with his own behavior.

This post will go into a little more depth on how he fits the standard cyberharasser/stalker profile in the context of the things that he has tried to do to me and failed or did to me.

The generally recognized profile of the Kreepy style of cyberharasser/stalker is:
"Although traditional bullying and cyber bullying share certain features, they are distinct phenomena. Both types of bullying are acts of aggression, are repeated, and involve a power imbalance between the victim(s) and perpetrator(s)."

See more at:
"Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals view most stalkers as suffering from a psychiatric illness(s) causing them to be psychotic or delusional. When not deemed as psychotic, stalkers are considered plagued by some type of personality disorder or fueled by unique psychological factors. In the most severe cases, the stalker is defined as a predatory stalker or sociopath.

Whatever the psychological rationale may be, the stalker rarely comprehends the fear he/she is causing the other person. Blinded by his/her motivations to be stalking someone in the first place causes them to lose sight of the fear and terror they are causing. When anger, rage and hostility towards the victim are involved, the stalker is fully aware of the anguish he/she is causing, but feels the victim is deserving of the fear or simply does not care.

II. Resentful Stalkers: This type of stalker can be dangerous given their perceived motivation for stalking. Resentful stalkers are fully aware the victim is cognizant of the stalking, but continues to fulfill a distorted vendetta he/she feels is warranted. Fear and distress experienced by the victim are the goals of this type of stalker. For this type of profile, the stalker believes the victim both deserves and requires being frightened because they have caused them and/or others anguish and distress."

Note that the resentment the stalker feels can be perceived rather than real. That is, they can target a person for any number of reasons that have nothing to do with the victim or their actions, but rather be the result of a misinterpretation or delusion.

A current example which demonstrates that Kreepy fits the profile of the Resentful Stalker perfectly can be seen in the following screenshot of a post Kreepy posted to the The Bone Yard last night (January 14). In what appears to be a fit of rage, Kreepy has posted a 'bounty' (LOL) on me. He wants all my content removed and my ability to create new content prevented.

Now, let me just take this opportunity to point out that Kreepy is well aware of the fact that I have repeatedly and generously (in my opinion) given him a way out of this.

He has been told, repeatedly, that all he needs to do is remove the lies he has posted about me as well as the lies he's had others posted about me and I will deactivate this content. 

So why won't he accept this easy way out? Because he doesn't want the drama, the cyberharassment and the cyberstalking to end. He wants to perpetuate it.

The reasons that he's in a rage right now is because:

1. He hasn't been able to recruit outside parties to target me other than 2 who are also cyberharassers/stalkers in their own right. The first was Michael Babcock, who he knows is untrustworthy, unreliable, and quite unstable. In fact, Babcock more than any of the other cohorts in Kreepy's little RatKrew, is destroying any credibility they might have had because he is obviously either delusional or a pathological liar. Little of what he says matches reality. The second was Heather Martin who, while leaving her hate blog up, has run for cover. Heather is known for her deceptions, vicious gossip, and propensity to defame anyone who disagrees with her. Neither can be dealt with rationally by reasoning with them. It's been tried. It doesn't work.

2. I have exposed his real identity as Antonio F. Lopez which effectively exposes him as having committed the computer crime of Internet Criminal Impersonation. The other crimes he has committed are now tied to his real name rather than allowing him to hide behind the name of a young, innocent kid, which is what he's been doing up until now.

His goal here is to intimidate me into stopping my exposure of him without him having to back off his public lies about me so that he can continue the cyberharassment with impunity.

This is the indicator that he is a cyberstalker/harasser:

1. "Both types of bullying are acts of aggression, are repeated, and involve a power imbalance between the victim(s) and perpetrator(s)." (extracted from above quotes)

2. "Resentful stalkers are fully aware the victim is cognizant of the stalking, but continues to fulfill a distorted vendetta he/she feels is warranted. Fear and distress experienced by the victim are the goals of this type of stalker." (extracted from above quotes)

In my opinion, Kreepy's rage is fueled by the fact that he is not succeeding in his goal as described in item 2 above, so he chooses to escalate his lame attempts to intimidate and harass to try to achieve that goal.

He ignores the reasonable and rational solution offered because it would establish a power balance and it's the imbalance he desperately seeks to maintain as item 1 indicates.

"Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals view most stalkers as suffering from a psychiatric illness(s) causing them to be psychotic or delusional. When not deemed as psychotic, stalkers are considered plagued by some type of personality disorder or fueled by unique psychological factors. In the most severe cases, the stalker is defined as a predatory stalker or sociopath." (extracted from above quotes)

[caption id="attachment_422" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Kree Love posts bounty on Kitty Hundal Kree Love posts bounty on Kitty Hundal[/caption]

January 15 Update

Well it looks like Kreepy found a taker for his bounty.

Now, let me just say, that it's highly ironic and amusing that Kreepy who claims to be an 'IT expert' has to bribe someone to take my sites down. I mean isn't he like a l33t h8x0r teen genius or something? Or perhaps his l33tness is as much a fraud as his identity and his numerous others cons and scams.

[caption id="attachment_432" align="aligncenter" width="520"]Kreepys alleged qualifications Kreepys alleged qualifications[/caption]

If the person who accepted the bribe were to succeed in bringing my sites down (and given what I know of the skillsets of FB 'h8x0rs', it's unlikely) I have to wonder how he plans to keep them down and ensure I don't repost.

Does he believe in magic or something. Lol!

To view the screenshot, click on it. When it opens in a new tab click on it again to enlarge the image and it will be readable.

[caption id="attachment_427" align="aligncenter" width="205"]Kreepy finds a taker on his bounty Kreepy finds a taker on his bounty[/caption]

This documentation will spread out through several posts to keep the posts from getting too long, convoluted and difficult to follow. Consider this the Introduction to the topic.

The format will be to take the profile and demonstrate through screenshots of Kreepy's actual behavior how that behavior matches the profile of a cyberharasser/stalker.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bully: Jennifer Emick. Update

Updated on January 7 to include flow chart created by a follower of th3j35t3r.

Updated on January 9 to include the reference to an article verifying that Sabu was not first identified by Emick and Backtrace Security as she claims.

What better way to start the New Year 2014 than by starting with one of the Internet's well-known and infamous cyberbullies.

Jennifer Emick aka Narco Troll aka AsherahResearch, et al. She's infamous because she's not only managed to piss off Anonymous but apparently likes to stalk th3j35t3r on a regular basis and/or his friends and followers. In fact she seems to have the unique ability of being able to piss all kinds of people off regularly.

When I asked her directly on her @asherahresearch twitter feed why she hated him so much and wondered if the reason might be that she'd never been able to ID him. Her reply was that he was allegedly obsessing about her. 

The problem with her spin of being the persecuted one is that if someone actually bothers to check out the @greenman995 feed, which is one of her socks, it's quite obvious that she's the one constantly instigating the harassment and she's pretty abusive about it. He ignores her for the most part and responds occasionally to point out a hypocrisy or a lie and then moves on.

The following flow chart created by a follower of th3j35t3r is an amusing but fairly accurate depiction of what actually occurs. Lol.

[caption id="attachment_344" align="aligncenter" width="362"]Narco Troll (see: Bully: Jennifer Emick) Narco Troll (see: Bully: Jennifer Emick)[/caption]

The obsession is clearly hers, so reality and the evidence, as usual isn't consistent with Ms. Emick's storyline.

At the bottom of this post there's an image containing the @greenman995 feed just to give you an idea of the abuse heaped on th3j35t3r, et al, daily by this one sock account of Emick's. Or you can just click on the link above. Note that she has other socks and there are other people that she allies with to keep th3j35t3r pot stirred. Read about Marsden, a serial stalker who tried to seduce him and Ortega.

There's been a great deal written about Emick (just follow the numerous links I've embedded here and you'll eventually get the whole story) but a summary of who she is and what she does or at least what she would like to be doing, is probably best described here:
Backtrace, now operating under a different name, specializes in what you might call tattling. Snitching. Ratting people out ... It's a simple business plan: she digs up the dirt and sells it. --- This Is What Happens When Anonymous Tries To Destroy You

Jennifer Emick is 41 years old, from the Mid-West and is a house wife and mother. After being fired from Backtrace she started Asherah Research, her own version of Backtrace with much the same business plan but no obvious structure. She appears to be using the Backtrace domain for a blog where she uses her company name, Asherah Research Group.

The web site for Backtrace Security has been suspended.

In the case of th3j35t3r, she is certainly engaging in cyberbullying and harassment as well as encouraging others to participate. Twitter is full of an overwhelming number of examples of these types of exchanges.

For example, @greenman995, Emicks sock Twitter account, intentionally provoked th3j35t3r with this Tweet shown below, when he was promoting the blog post I wrote about the constant harassment he's subjected to on Twitter. So, @greenman995 instigated this exchange with a personal attack on both th3j35t3r and myself.

Now note that it is just my association with th3j35t3r and nothing more that provoked this so it really doesn't take much to get some people going. Obsessive much?

The linked to articles provide evidence of Jennifer Emick's:

1. Crimes

2.. Obsessive hate-ons, harassments, deceptions and lies.

Even her claims to having been the one who doxed Sabu have been refuted in this Daily Dot article, Leaked arrest warrants suggest Sabu wasn't the only FBI mole in Lulzsec
"The FBI had already obtained Monsegur’s IP address during a hack of a business referred to in the warrants “corporation-1.” This challenges earlier reports that he was first identified by a web security company called Backtrace Security."

I can't think of anything more inhumane, psychopathic and just downright evil than someone spending their entire life doing nothing but digging dirt up on people so that you can destroy them without some legitimate reason. There are some people who spend all their time doing damage to others that need to be put out of action or need some strong deterrents. That isn't the same thing as targeting people who you don't like or you disagree with, with this type of harassment.


Since there was so much abuse being directed towards me by Jennifer Emick on her Twitter stream I have decided to do an update.

All I have to say about this is that Jennifer Emick is a shameless whore who will go to any lengths to discredit those who criticize or object to her bullying behavior. Psychopaths frequently use social activism as a cover but give themselves away when they contradict themselves self-servingly over and over again.

The explanation to the deceptive misinterpretations and other garbage spewing from Ms. Emick's mouth can be found here: From The Shadows, a fictionalized memoir by Kitty Hundal (If the link is broken, the direct url is ).

Only the crazy would be unable to differentiate between a person who is simply describing in detail the acts of a crazy person and one whose behavior is crazy. This is likely why Jennifer is unable to comprehend this simple fact and tries to kill the messenger with her bullying and abuse completely unconcerned as to the consequences of her behavior on others.

She attacks me for what she thinks I've written without any objective, verifiable evidence that I've demonstrated any behavior that could be defined as 'crazy' simply to discredit me for challenging her.

I have demonstrated directly and through the links that she has an active and current history as a cyberharasser, cyberbully, cyberstalker against those she doesn't like for any reason, none of which have to be legitimate other than in her own mind.

Thanks for proving that everything said in this blog and those linked to it, about you is true.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bully: Michael Babcock's Lame Attempt To Intimidate Me Fails. Lol.Updated

2 Updates have been made to this post, February 10 & February 13.

Computer criminal, cyberbully/harasser/stalker, Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster, CoderHyguru, Lilli Alpert, NoCock pretends to be Anonymous and threatens me on with Anonymous Hive retaliation.

What a joke!

Mikey Iz so skeered.

According to him I'm 'scheduled for deletion'. ROFL.

And note that I've never claimed to be part of the Anonymous 'Hive' or 'Collective' and have even explicitly stated on this blog that I'm an outsider who supports the concept of Anonymous and promotes Ops that I agree with and nothing more.

Nor have I lied about anything or 'begged' Anonymous for help.

Mikey. I don't need any Anonymous white knights to rescue me. I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm a woman who runs with the wolves. Not that I expect you to understand what that means. Lol.

I simply pointed out that these Tards were making Anonymous look bad by attacking numerous innocent people with frame-ups, lies, misrepresentations and smear campaigns and suggested that Anonymous openly and publicly disassociate from them.

I don't tell Anonymous what to do. I express my opinion and then it's up to the Collective or the Hive to make their own decisions on how they want to handle these situations.

Babcock needs to hone up on his reading and comprehension skills. His inability to grasp the english language is quite astounding for a person who only speaks english. This, unfortunately, doesn't stop him from spouting his garbage.

Here are the comments I made that drove Babcock to make his batshit crazy threat.

[caption id="attachment_391" align="aligncenter" width="645"] Kitty Hundals comments Kitty Hundals comments[/caption]

Babcock simply proved with his threat and other idiotic claims below that the concerns that I raised were true.

He makes a lame attempt at establishing credibility by smearing another person by misrepresenting a difficult situation that she's been dealing with and making a mountain of that particular, completely irrelevant, and unrelated molehill.

This is typical of these cyberbullies who have no truth to back up their actual pathological lies against people and resort to digging up irrelevant 'dirt' and using that to assassinate people's characters.

They seem to think that if they can find some dirt and prove that's true then everyone will believe all their unsubstantiated lies. No-one said they were rational.

In the end, it's nothing more than a lame tactic to deflect attention away from all the other lies they're spewing for which they have zero evidence.

How do I know this is Babcock? His signature is in his inability to put a coherent thought together. The others are like this as well but each has their own style of incoherence. Lol.

This is his.

Follows is his threat and my response.

[caption id="attachment_390" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Michael Babcock threatens Kitty Hundal with Anonymous Hive retaliation Michael Babcock threatens Kitty Hundal with Anonymous Hive retaliation[/caption]

My blog detailing Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love's ongoing cyberharassment/bullying/stalking campaign against me will be delayed. There's a lot of material and I need to prioritize it and structure it. So it will take a little longer to get that one published.

Update. February 10. Awww Poor Mikey's crying. ROFL.

Mikey's delusions, incoherence, and inability to read and comprehend english are demonstrated yet again.

He keeps claiming that I confessed to some lie in the screenshots above. Good luck finding that confession. It doesn't exist. Lol. That's his delusion and reading comprehension issue.

He also can't seem to make up his mind whether he's responding to me or another person since he jumps back and forth and doesn't identify what he's talking about or the person he's addressing.

I've posted it below. Good luck trying to follow anything he's saying and make sense of it. No-one other than the Bone Yards can follow these lunatic ravings. Lunatic minds think alike. This guy needs some serious help.

For example:

1. There is no admission from me that I lied.

2. Nowhere did I say that the Bone Yard was Babcock's group.

3. I have never tried to 'get into Krees pants'. ROFL (that one's hilarious - it's what someone else is being accused of doing - most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler - not me)

4. I have never met, spoken to, or even interacted with Evie.

The links go to mainstream media newspaper articles. Last time I looked none of us are professional journalists ROFL. (In 2015, years after this was posted, I now write opinion pieces and reviews for Independent Media).

5. Then suddenly he switches into talking about a 'he' which is probably who he was talking about all along but he's so incoherent you can't actually tell. (Most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler Lol. This entire group of nutbags blames me for everything Tim does even though I've never known most of what Tim did, have been mostly uninvolved in Tim's activities, and now know nothing about what he does.)

6. Then he posts a screenshot of a comment that I didn't approve and starts whinnying about it. Well first of all there is no inherent right to lie in Free Speech so I don't feel any obligation to post flagrant, demonstrable lies. That's not censorship anymore than arresting a person who shouts 'fire' in a movie theatre is. Defammatory Libel is a criminal offense in Canada. It's not censorship to refuse to publish it.

7. Then he conflates Tim Wheeler's blog with mine. I am the one and only person running this blog. How many hits he gets has nothing to do with how many hits I get. And the number of hits I get isn't the business of the Bone Yard Tards. I have been publishing my hit rate on my FB wall and I'm perfectly happy with it as are others.

8. And, lastly, this is Michael projecting since I didn't say anything remotely similar to or that could even be interpreted as: "Her game is now, "How dare you post the findings on me, if you do I'll tell everyone you're a great big meanie". This is his and the Bone Yard Tards game. Not mine.

To someone who isn't a Tard it's patently obvious that I'm simply promoting the blog link which exposes these crazies since that is a thread they created to directly attack me and others.

I await Michael's next frothing at mouth rage rant with popcorn in hand. LOL.

To view the image below, click on it. When it opens in a new tab, click it again to enlarge it so that you can read it if you want to read Michael's lunatic ravings. Seriously. I kid you not. This guy sounds like he's completely off his rocker and there isn't a shred of coherency in the entire thing.

[caption id="attachment_400" align="aligncenter" width="259"]Michael Babcocks crying Michael Babcocks crying[/caption]

UPDATE 2. February 13.

Yep Mikey had another lunatic rage fit. ROFL! This one was hilarious and demonstrates clearly what a pansy he is. Essentially he's blaming me for literally everything that Tim (Timm) Wheeler has done to him and he's even lying about a lot of the things that have allegedly been done. I don't know what Tim (Timm) Wheeler does but I'm certainly not aware of a lot of the things he's alleging. Nor have I changed a single word I've said about anyone. The fact that Mikey can't comprehend what he reads and constantly either misinterprets it or intentionally fabricates convenient lies around what's said isn't my problem.
In addition, there's a lot of well-founded evidence-based suspicion that Tim Wheeler has never actually been a target and that he has been working with the Kreepies from the beginning. Many believe this whole thing was just a lame attempt to set a whole bunch of innocent social activists up to either just smear and discredit us or in my case engage in extortion (which actually occurred).
At any rate, it's their game to constantly change and reinvent their story not mine. Anyone who has followed these happenings knows that I'm completely consistent in my positions and they don't change other than my naive belief that Wheeler was an ally. He isn't and apparently never has been. Some of what Mikey is alleging has already been demonstrated as complete fabrications  Past experience tells me he just fabricating more lies. He does that whenever one set of lies has been exposed. He just moves on to fabricate more.
Essentially he uses the same FAIL strategy that pansy,  Antonio F. Lopez, impersonating UK teen Kree Love follows.
They're both too chickenshit to take on their real nemesis so they target all sorts of other innocent people instead.
I have done nothing to either of these Tards except defend myself against their constant barrage of pathological lies, harassment and now I'm exposing their lies and frame-ups of innocent social activists. I don't agree with everything those social activists say and do either. That doesn't mean they deserve to be bullied and abused for it. I have also demonstrated irrefutably in some cases that the specious allegations being made against these social activists, including myself, are lies being supported by frame-ups.
This is why the Tards are going full on batshit.
All Bullies hate to be exposed and it's drives them completely nuts when someone succeeds in doing that. So they resort to all sorts of strategies to mitigate including fail attempts to mock the truths that have been revealed.
The reality is that if you do a good enough job of exposing them they can't mitigate and that's what brings on the frothing lunatic rages and threats and attempts to mock the truth (despite the fact that it's patently obvious to any rational observer that the exposures are true).
You can see the lunatic rage demonstrated by the email below along with a new set of threats in a lame attempt to shut me up. That isn't going to happen until every single lie posted by these guys is removed..It really is that simple. If they want me to 'walk away' then remove the lies and I will happily walk away.
I never wanted this fight in the first place. I was dragged into it and thrown into the middle of the ring by the pansy Antonio F Lopez who lied intentionally to justify it.
Now the pansy Babcock is doing the same thing. Well there are consequences to that behavior.
Suck it up boys or remove the lies.
All I really have to say in addition to that, and to both of them, is to grow a pair. Act like men instead of little crying pansies and deal directly with Tim (Timm) Wheeler (which you haven't done since it's quite likely you're working together). I have nothing to do with what he does and they've both been told that repeatedly. Their intentional stupidity and ignorance isn't my problem.
Note that I've ignored all of Babcock's responses on AnonNews and have not responded to this following email. Nor will I. I don't see the point of bothering to try to reason with lunatics who are raging. There is nothing to be gained by that.

From the email:

"You want a bully so damn bad Kitty, congrats, I'll give you one, and I'll make sure you never sleep, eat or have a moments peace to your name again."

" By the way, just to let your  loser ass know something......Telegraph Journal...... Game on bitch.... Gonna be a great piece about how these 2 disgraced lawyers are helping and aiding criminal elements claiming they are all "anonymous". Well fuck your Anonymous, fuck your mask, fuck your lies."

Well at least he's not pretending to be #Anonymous now and threatening me with being 'scheduled for deletion'. ROFL.

[caption id="attachment_414" align="aligncenter" width="645"]More crying and threats from Michael Babcock More crying and threats from Michael Babcock[/caption]

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bully: Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love. The Identification In Detail

Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love aka Peter Pan (okay the last one is a joke but that's the name he's currently being tagged with on Facebook and it's very appropriate. Lol).

This post describes in detail the process that I used to identify him so that people understand why I consider his identification irrefutable. I can't take full credit for this. I did receive some help from an unnamed source who pointed me in the right directions so that I could find what I need. Thanks go to that source.

Some of my conclusions don't agree with theirs but I'll explain exactly why I'm coming to the conclusions that I am.

So, the first clue to draw my attention was this post that appeared on the Exposing Illegal Child Trafficking and Scammers Page on Facebook which contains the original DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam document exposing Kree Love's scam.

This person has identified Kree Love as Antonio Lopez but at this point it's merely an assertion and I have no idea why.

[caption id="attachment_357" align="aligncenter" width="528"]Kree identifed by someone else as Antonio Lopez Kree identifed by someone else as Antonio Lopez[/caption]

Then I find out from the unnamed source that I should look at two aliases KingSamLopez and KingSam15, examine them thoroughly and I should be able to get at the truth. I took that person's advice and began my search.

Now, just to be clear. There really is a 16 year old whose name is Kree Love, who has a mother named Jayda Love living in Oxford. This 16 year old was the one photographed and interviewed at Occupy London. He claimed to be 18 but was a 15 year old runaway at the time. The real Kree Love's basic biography which indicates that he's a gamer, and worked for his mothers company DottyPixxal is true. However, there is no evidence that this real Kree Love moved out of the UK. He was born there and I did find his birth information as well as the picture that was attached to the article quoting him at Occupy London. His image has now been removed from the article and I will not be posting either his image or the birth information which I located because he's a minor and an innocent party who probably has no idea how seriously his reputation is being trashed online by Antonio F. Lopez.

Antonio F. Lopez at the age of 27, appears to have adopted the then 13 year old Kree Love's biography when he began his impersonation of Kree Love in 2010.

You will need to follow through on all of the screenshots right to the end in order to understand the process.

The following item turned out to be the key piece of information. This is an old account of KingSamLopez which is now deleted but can be found on two YouTube videos uploaded by Emma PowerRanger. I've done a paused screenshot so that it's easier to view the information. This is not information that he's able to delete because he didn't post it and YouTube isn't going to remove it since it appears to be promoting him and not attacking him.

Note the following:

1. KingSamLopez identifies himself as Antonio

2. This is an old account created in 2007 long before KingSamLopez started identifying as 'Kree Love'.

3. He states that he is 24 in 2007 which would make him 30 today.

4. He identifies the blog, as his. This particular clue is important so keep it in mind as you view the rest of the screenshots.

[caption id="attachment_356" align="aligncenter" width="611"]KingSamLopez alias identifies as Antonio KingSamLopez alias identifies as Antonio[/caption]

The videos:

In 2010, at the age of 27, Antonio had an altercation with a teenager using the alias Jamie McKinley when he flew into a jealous rage because McKinley's gaming system was better than his. He tried to cyberbully him, failed and ended up getting pwned by Jamie, a teenager with some very good computer skills for a teen. It looks like that's when he decided to run for cover and hide by pretending to be someone else. He doesn't like to deal with the consequences of his own actions.

I've gone into that story in the blog post, Kree Love: Evidence of Lies. It's actually pretty funny how this 30 year old alleged IT expert gets thoroughly pwned and ends up running for cover. Lol. So read it if you want a good laugh. This isn't a detailed version and some of the funniest stuff isn't included like the times that someone was using a hacking tool to block KingSamLopez from accessing any of his YouTube accounts. There is a post where KingSamLopez is complaining that he hasn't been able to access YouTube for 2 days and a couple of videos where this other person is demonstrating how he blocked KingSamLopez from accessing those accounts. Lol. You could find that stuff by doing a Google Search. I have the screenshots and have downloaded those videos but didn't really want to bother getting into all of the gory, if not completely hilarious details.

In 2010, we have the appearance of Kree Love alias Krazium who claims to have been in contact with ID Chief on DarkNet and claims to have new ID which shows that he's an adult. An argument could be made here that this profile is the real Kree Love and that he did move to Manhattan but given his age it's unlikely that he would have been able to do that and attend Columbia while living on his own. It's more likely that Antonio knew the real Kree Love and created this profile based on both information that he knew as well as the personna he wanted to present of himself. In 2010 Kree Love was 13 and this was 2 years before he was reported as 15 year old runaway in 2012.

[caption id="attachment_89" align="aligncenter" width="567"]Antonio F. Lopez now claims to be Kree Love Antonio F. Lopez now claims to be Kree Love[/caption]

In 2011, we have KingSam15 identifying himself as Kree Love. The biography is consistent with the 'Krazium' biography established in 2010 shown above.

A new piece of information has been added that you should keep in mind. He now also states that he knows Basic Russian.

English Forum Switzerland   View Profile  KingSam15 2

[caption id="attachment_359" align="aligncenter" width="645"]KingSam15 says hes Kree Love in 2011 KingSam15 says hes Kree Love in 2011[/caption]

Here we have a screenshot of Pilar Hernandez, the mother of Antonio F. Lopez who had previously lived with a Russian boyfriend whom she split from. Antonio previously lived in the US and has now moved in with his mother in Oxford. Since there is an overlap in the years that the boyfriend was there and that Antonio moved in with his mother he likely learned some basic Russian from the boyfriend.

[caption id="attachment_360" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Pilar Hernandez Mother of Antonio F. Lopez Pilar Hernandez Mother of Antonio F. Lopez[/caption]

Note that both Pilar Hernandez, Antonio F. Lopez mother and Jayda Love, the real Kree Love's mother live in Oxford. See the next screenshot giving Jayda Love's corporate information for DottyPixxal dissolution on May 24, 2011.

Jayda Love Dellam Corporate Information Limited  England Dotty Pixxal

Now the following profile of KingSam15 which claims to be Kree Love in 2011, claims the blog as his.

This is the same blog which KingSamLopez, who identified as 24 year old Antonio, also claimed was his blog in 2007.

This confirms that the KingSam15 alias and the KingSamLopez alias are indeed the same person.

[caption id="attachment_362" align="aligncenter" width="603"]KingSam15 identifies the kingsam15 blog as his KingSam15 identifies the kingsam15 blog as his. This makes the link between the KingSamLopez alias which stated his name was Antonio in 2007 and the KingSam15 alias which claims to be Kree Love starting in 2011. They are the same person[/caption]

Now note that in this post, Jamie McKinley identifies KingSamLopez as Antonio Lopez.

[caption id="attachment_363" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Kree Love Exposed As Antonio Lopez By Jamie Kree Love Exposed As Antonio Lopez By Jamie[/caption]

And in this post, KingSam15 (using the same profile photo that the current Kree Love impersonator uses) admits that McKinley has located him therefore he identifed him correctly.

[caption id="attachment_85" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Kree lying on Google Groups about McKinley and admitting that McKinley identified him correctly Kree lying on Google Groups about McKinley and admitting that McKinley identified him correctly[/caption]

Here is his current Facebook profile which now fully adopts the 2010 Kree Love biography, alias, krazium, and uses the image from the Google Groups profile above. This connects the current profile to the previous profile kingsam15 which as I demonstrated connects to kingsamlopez. There is a direct line connecting each item and leading to the current item.

[caption id="attachment_409" align="aligncenter" width="645"]Kree Love aka Antonio Lopez current Facebook profile Kree Love aka Antonio Lopez current Facebook profile[/caption]

Given all of the above, the only reasonable and logical conclusion that we can come to here in my opinion is that KingSamLopez who is Antonio F. Lopez began using the KingSam15 alias to impersonate Kree Love starting around 2010 or so. In my opinion, this evidence is pretty irrefutable.

The fact that he has shown identification under Kree Love's name simply proves that he has false or real stolen identification which he uses to back his story. It doesn't prove that he's Kree Love.

I believe that he does know Kree Love given their geographical proximity and he may also have attended Occupy London. At the very least he knows enough about him and his activities to impersonate him successfully even with people who met the real Kree Love at Occupy London.

I haven't included the American side of his family yet nor will I for now.

If he removes the lies he's had posted about me everywhere and stops impersonating the young Kree Love, I won't post anything about that side of his family and won't continue to identify him further.

If he doesn't, then I will proceed. He's pretty slow on the uptake so I'll give him a little time. Lol.

Setting aside what Antonio has done to me (that will be tomorrow's post) the fact is he is destroying the reputation of an innocent 16 year old and likely drawing all sorts of unwarranted local and international police attention his way

This could have major repercussions to the young, real Kree Love that could impact his life permanently.

And Antonio is doing all of this just so that he can engage in cyberbullying/harassment/stalking campaigns, as well as theft, fraud and cons online with impunity.

I can't think of much that's more vile and despicable than doing that to an innocent minor.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

#OperationScareCrow. Predator: Andrew Louis Sabo II

Andrew Louis Sabo II aka Sam Soto spends his time on Facebook cyberharassing, cyberstalking, and cyberbullying innocent families of young children by targeting the children.

He steals photographs of the kids and posts them all over Facebook with pedophile style captions and memes and then sends the links to the families.

This despicable excuse for a human being frequently posts them as 'advertisements, kids for sale' on shopping groups.

Jay Marshall's Operation ScareCrow group has been active exposing him on these groups and confronting him. He has now started targeting and harassing members of Operation ScareCrow with false accusations of pedophilia (no surprise there. That's standard practice for the crazies. I'd be surprised if he hadn't done that. Lol).

Every predator, bully, stalker, uses this strategy to cover their demonstrable predatory, bullying, stalking behavior. You can tell the difference because they don't have evidence to support their allegations or they have fabricated evidence which can be quickly and easily refuted by intelligent people who not only question but are savvy enough to figure out how to investigate these allegations.

Here is the actual evidence against Andrew Louis Sabo II in the form of screenshots.

[caption id="attachment_340" align="aligncenter" width="270"]Sabo steals pictures of innocent children and their families and posts them FB groups as for sale. Sabo steals pictures of innocent children and their families and posts them FB groups as for sale.[/caption]

Sabo under the verified alias of Sam Soto stole these images from various family Facebook pages and posted them in Facebook groups as a children 'for sale'.

The family of the child above has reported this to the Kentucky State police who are currently investigating the situation.

Ironically, Sabo claims to be an anti-pedophilia activist and harasses legitimate anti-pedophilia activists in Jay Marshall's Operation ScareCrow group.

There is no fundamental difference between the type of behavior that Sabo is engaging in and the type of behavior that the various rat krews are engaging in when they target innocent, mostly anti-pedophilia activists with false accusations of pedophilia using fabricated evidence or irrelevant (to the accusations) smears.

Detailed doxes on Sabo are available on DoxBin. You can locate them using the search phrase:  'Andrew Louis Sabo Dox' on Google.

His Facebook accounts and alias accounts regularly get shut down for abuse but he just reappears with new ones.

Anti-pedophilia activists are invited to reblog this blog everywhere.

[caption id="attachment_342" align="aligncenter" width="437"]Sabo abuse 3 Only pedophiles refer to 8 year old girls in this way.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_341" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Sabo abuse 3 The link to this picture posted on FB groups was sent to the parents to harass them.
Verification that Sam Soto alias is Andrew Sabo
Verification that Sam Soto alias is Andrew Sabo made by Sam Soto[/caption]

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The CyberBullies: How Far Will They Go? 2

In recent weeks, Brian Johnson, a Facebook anti-pedophilia social activist has been the focal point of much of the abuse currently being heaped on quite a few of us. Why? Who knows? Irrational people are irrational so you can't expect to find a rational reason.

My guess is that 'Peter Pan' (as he's becoming known on Facebook) and his shills have set Brian up to be targeted. 'Peter Pan' is 30 year old American Antonio F. Lopez who is impersonating a 16 year old UK teen, Kree Love. Antonio is the only one with a real motivation to go after Brian, as far as I know.

However, Antonio is quite the chickenshit and prefers to set others up to do his dirty work for him either directly or through his shills because:

1. he can't take what he so easily dishes out to others.

2. he and his shills, Thomas Schroeder (aka Thomas Cook, Juliet Biehl and numerous others) and Julie Ann Larson (aka Rusalka Sireen, Javeria Laila and numerous others) are quite incompetent whether it's technically or socially and as a result not very good at doing this stuff themselves. They can be convincing to the stupid who don't check anything out or verify it or have some self-serving reason to buy their bullshit.

3. Brian is well-connected in FB Anon circles and is one of the few people I know of who managed to pull off creating a group of over 10000 members in just a few weeks. His own friends list numbers in the thousands and he doesn't have to fake his numbers by using software that adds fake friends, like the RatKrew has been known to do. He is a credit to the Anonymous name in every way that matters and an asset.

As a result, like 'Peter Pan', Kreepy has had to skulk around and manipulate the stupid into doing his dirty work for him whether it's by convincing a group like ClownSec or by stealing members from these existing groups that are easy for the shills to manipulate.

Unfortunately, while Michael Babcock does have some criminal computing skills and is crazy enough to be easily manipulated, he's also a loose cannon who will snitch on anyone given the opportunity and so is completely untrustworthy to work with in any capacity. ALL convos will end up on pastebin. While he smugly and self-righteously runs around talking about OpSec, he doesn't understand real OpSec.

He, like Kreepy, are good at hiding their IPs because they're criminals and need to hide. Good OpSec is a lot more than just hiding one's IP and it has little to do with hiding one's identity. It's something good Hactivists pay attention to and understand.

Since Michael is really just a necessary evil at this time, they keep looking for others that are more controllable so that they aren't relying on him when he does the inevitable 'stab them in the back' routine..

ClownSec, MTA and BTY (Kage) have turned out to be the easiest for the RatKrew to control. ClownSec went down first and brought MTA and BTY (Kage) down with them later. Essentially they've just become stooges and goons for the #RATKREW which isn't that much smarter than they are.

The RatKrews set ups and deceptions are usually pretty obvious for anyone who uses their brain to see through so that really says quite a lot about those who don't see through them.

The evidence of that stupidity is the hit list they've come up with and the bizarre reasons that people have been placed on it. Most are there because of the RatKrew. None of the actual allegations they make against anyone on the hitlist are true and none can be substantiated in any way. For example, they call people pedophiles and post as evidence, irrelevant criminal records related to drug possession.

Um yeah. That makes sense ... to an idiot. Lol.

Or they provide fabricated evidence that they don't publicize because it is fabricated and they don't want the person they're lying about to be able to challenge it. Like the pedophile site Babcock created to frame one of the people on the hit list. Or the evidence they're circulating alleging that I'm a 'child stalker'.

Yep. Their evidence sure sounds legit. Imma buy that load. Lol.

They've collected other irrelevant, useless information on some people, all of which is completely unrelated to the false accusations, and they declare that evidence when it's actually just being used to spin a smear from and is usually something innocent and innocuous without the bullshit spin. Lol.

They all turned themselves into a joke when they joined up with the RatKrew and have gone full on retard since.

Brian has been the main focus of their cyberharassment campaigns in the last few weeks and as usual the person with the motivation to target Brian is Kreepy (Kree Love aka Antonio F. Lopez).

So the shills have been busy lobbying and the goons have been busy harassing.

They've also been escalating this into some pretty vicious real life harassment.

The following is only one single incident and involved the police because the cyberharassers dragged the police into this. There have been others which didn't involve the police (to our knowledge) mainly because Brian isn't a snitch and didn't want to involve the police no matter how ugly things got.

1. A female voice, presumably someone in the cyberharassment circle, called the State Police and pretended to be Brian's aunt.

2. She claimed that two 'big black men' were breaking into Brian's parents home where Brian is living temporarily.

3. Brian was at work and his parents were home alone.

4. The State Police called the local police and sent them to Brian's parents home.

5. The State Police then called the home when the police had stationed themselves outside and asked if there had been a break-in.

6. The parents said that there hadn't been.

7. The State Police notified the parents of the large police presence outside the home (6 patrol cars).

The investigating officers who attended the home then questioned the parents in order to find out what was going on. The parents explained the situation that Brian was dealing with in detail and all of that information is now in police hands.

No doubt those involved will blame Brian's parents for 'snitching' because they are incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions and the situation that they created which could only have had this result. It couldn't have ended any other way because even without having the information, the crimes that were committed were serious enough that the police would have pursued it.

As Brian said, 'They fucked themselves over real good this time." (paraphrased).

Congrats ladies. Hope you enjoy being the princesses you will no doubt be turned into when you get arrested, charged and convicted for this one.

Since this is in the hands of the police I don't want to interfere in what is probably an active police investigation by publishing information identifying those involved so will be withholding it until they're arrested. When arrests occur I will provide more details and all of their identifying information.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Bully: Dan Cooper/Dan Carol

We are still verifying his real identity. Dan Cooper/Dan Carol/Kaptn Fahkin Kage is just a few of several aliases he uses on Facebook, however, his MO is quite consistent.

We don't think this is the person who uses the Kage alias. We think this person used the Kaptn Fahkin Kage alias to manipulate us into believing it's Kage. We're not buying it.

1. He hates anti-pedophilia activists so we are beginning to suspect that he may be a pedophile.

2. He uses extreme and deceptive methods to frame anti-pedophilia social activists to make them look like they are pedophiles.

Let me give you a recent example of a stunt he played on me. I expect that you will be seeing numerous photoshopped screenshots in groups that I'm not a member which will allege to be evidence of my 'child stalking' based on this so I may as well expose it from the start :-)

This is what crazy people do and remember that these are the people Jennifer Emick is using as her trusted sources for the deceptions she uses to attack me on Twitter. ROFL. She should be ashamed of herself but she won't be.

The strategy that Dan Cooper/Dan Carol/Kaptn Fahkin Kage  uses

1. He'll hit your Page or Account with innocuous but leading comments.

2. He then waits for you to respond. He may make quite a few and bury them, presumably so that you don't know what he's going to use against you. Although he doesn't always do this and in this case he didn't.

3. After you respond and give him something he can use, he deletes all of his comments and then deletes the fake accounts he used.

He has someone screenshotting them for him but wants to remove them so that you don't get a chance to get screenshots of them.

This makes it easy for him to photoshop the shots and create deceptions to set you up and difficult for you to defend yourself.

Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten that there is such a thing as Email Notifications. Mine are turned on. Yes it's a bit annonying but worth it in circumstances like this because I always have evidence of these communications.

On Jan 1, he posts the following item to the following post. Since he removed it I can't show both together..



Okay so the link to the post, 'The Cyberbullies: How Far Will They Go, 1' is the top one. The current alias of Kaptn Fahkin Kage (no, it isn't Kage) responds to that post with the comment, 'I've gone further.'.

I respond sarcastically here with something along the lines of: 'Really? Then maybe you should drop your picture so I can do a special Page about you?' referring, of course to the anti-bullying blog.

He now sends me a link to an almost nude picture of a young adult male that he uploaded to his page which looks similar to someone that we think might be him but we have no confirmation at this time. He also makes the comment attached to the picture, 'As per your request, toots'.

Well ... No. I didn't request that and he knows perfectly well I didn't.

And so, the deception begins:


Again I make a sarcastic comment: 'You need a bra, sweetie.'

The image, comments and account were all deleted almost immediately after I looked. I'm assuming he waited for me to comment and once I did removed everything after screenshotting it.

Now it isn't Rocket Science to see how:

1. screenshots of the first two comments with one minor touchup like excluding or changing which main post the comments are associated with could change the entire meaning of what was said.

2. which picture the second comments are associated with (changing to a teenager) might be taken out of context and misrepresented to make me look like a 'child stalker'.

Kreepy has a huge credibility problem these days. Everyone's demanding proof of his pathological lies. He's left with no other choice but to get his shills to convince others to fabricate frame-ups. Especially since his lame attempts to discredit me haven't worked with anyone other than Jennifer Emick (which really tells you all you need to know about her level of stupid. Lol).

Of course this one's going to be as big a FAIL as the other ones. ROFL.

We've established that this is this particular persons pattern of behavior. He does this regularly to people. I'm not the first and he does indeed run around self-righteously pontificating about how evil certain people are based on the screenshots that he set them up for.

We also know that he associates with Kree Love (Antonio F. Lopez) and was on the Bone Yard under different aliases.

So, we're working on identifying him and when we do he'll appear here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

CyberHarassment and The CyberBullies would like to declare 2014 the year of Nooking The Troll for those standing up to Cyberharassers, cyberbullies and cyberstalkers everywhere ♥.

Happy New Year to all the cyberwarriors and let this be a warning to the bullies. We're coming for you.

“With ropes wove from their own words shall they be hung” –Oison Sweeney

