
Friday, January 3, 2014

Bully: Dan Cooper/Dan Carol

We are still verifying his real identity. Dan Cooper/Dan Carol/Kaptn Fahkin Kage is just a few of several aliases he uses on Facebook, however, his MO is quite consistent.

We don't think this is the person who uses the Kage alias. We think this person used the Kaptn Fahkin Kage alias to manipulate us into believing it's Kage. We're not buying it.

1. He hates anti-pedophilia activists so we are beginning to suspect that he may be a pedophile.

2. He uses extreme and deceptive methods to frame anti-pedophilia social activists to make them look like they are pedophiles.

Let me give you a recent example of a stunt he played on me. I expect that you will be seeing numerous photoshopped screenshots in groups that I'm not a member which will allege to be evidence of my 'child stalking' based on this so I may as well expose it from the start :-)

This is what crazy people do and remember that these are the people Jennifer Emick is using as her trusted sources for the deceptions she uses to attack me on Twitter. ROFL. She should be ashamed of herself but she won't be.

The strategy that Dan Cooper/Dan Carol/Kaptn Fahkin Kage  uses

1. He'll hit your Page or Account with innocuous but leading comments.

2. He then waits for you to respond. He may make quite a few and bury them, presumably so that you don't know what he's going to use against you. Although he doesn't always do this and in this case he didn't.

3. After you respond and give him something he can use, he deletes all of his comments and then deletes the fake accounts he used.

He has someone screenshotting them for him but wants to remove them so that you don't get a chance to get screenshots of them.

This makes it easy for him to photoshop the shots and create deceptions to set you up and difficult for you to defend yourself.

Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten that there is such a thing as Email Notifications. Mine are turned on. Yes it's a bit annonying but worth it in circumstances like this because I always have evidence of these communications.

On Jan 1, he posts the following item to the following post. Since he removed it I can't show both together..



Okay so the link to the post, 'The Cyberbullies: How Far Will They Go, 1' is the top one. The current alias of Kaptn Fahkin Kage (no, it isn't Kage) responds to that post with the comment, 'I've gone further.'.

I respond sarcastically here with something along the lines of: 'Really? Then maybe you should drop your picture so I can do a special Page about you?' referring, of course to the anti-bullying blog.

He now sends me a link to an almost nude picture of a young adult male that he uploaded to his page which looks similar to someone that we think might be him but we have no confirmation at this time. He also makes the comment attached to the picture, 'As per your request, toots'.

Well ... No. I didn't request that and he knows perfectly well I didn't.

And so, the deception begins:


Again I make a sarcastic comment: 'You need a bra, sweetie.'

The image, comments and account were all deleted almost immediately after I looked. I'm assuming he waited for me to comment and once I did removed everything after screenshotting it.

Now it isn't Rocket Science to see how:

1. screenshots of the first two comments with one minor touchup like excluding or changing which main post the comments are associated with could change the entire meaning of what was said.

2. which picture the second comments are associated with (changing to a teenager) might be taken out of context and misrepresented to make me look like a 'child stalker'.

Kreepy has a huge credibility problem these days. Everyone's demanding proof of his pathological lies. He's left with no other choice but to get his shills to convince others to fabricate frame-ups. Especially since his lame attempts to discredit me haven't worked with anyone other than Jennifer Emick (which really tells you all you need to know about her level of stupid. Lol).

Of course this one's going to be as big a FAIL as the other ones. ROFL.

We've established that this is this particular persons pattern of behavior. He does this regularly to people. I'm not the first and he does indeed run around self-righteously pontificating about how evil certain people are based on the screenshots that he set them up for.

We also know that he associates with Kree Love (Antonio F. Lopez) and was on the Bone Yard under different aliases.

So, we're working on identifying him and when we do he'll appear here.

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