All they appear to be capable of doing is screeching like little pigs about how allegedly 'insane' I am and issuing threats about how the people I communicate with on Twitter are going to 'be embarrassed'.
Presumably that means that the Tards are planning to send their amusing and either completely irrelevant links or links which they intentionally misrepresent to some pretty smart people.
The mistake that they always make and that will continue to define themselves as the FailTards that they are is that they really, sincerely, and honestly believe that the rest of the world is as stupid as they are.
So, I look forward to the fallout from this one with great amusement. ;-D
I always find it quite amusing when the demonstrably nuts allege that I'm 'nuts' but have absolutely nothing to show as evidence other than their lies and misrepresentations which are so easily refuted and have been refuted repeatedly.
In fact, the only people who actually believe the shit they regularly shovel are themselves. They can't even get other TardKrews to buy it which should tell you just how obviously bizarre their stories are. Lol.
What they all do is make lots of assertions, show lots of pretty but useless and meaningless screenshots, and never provide any direct evidence that is directly related to the allegation.
It's all just bizarre interpretations or obvious misrepresentation of the screenshots.
This behavior itself is demonstrably crazy.
So, according to them, I'm 'crazy' when I describe what crazy people like these Tards do. Ok. Lol.
That's essentially what all of this boils down to and nothing more.
Apparently it's 'crazy' to object to being harassed, bullied and stalked whether it's online or IRL but it's not crazy to actually harass, bully and stalk, according to these Tards.
Go figure.
Projection, that is, attributing your issues to those you target, is also a key component of the harasser/bully/stalker profile whether one is dealing with them online or IRL.
That is effectively what they're doing amidst all this crying butthurt today. They're projecting their psychological issues on to me and attributing their ongoing insanity to me, in the form of this cyberharassment that they instigated and that they know perfectly well is based on Kreepy's paranoid delusions and pathological lies. Either that or they share his paranoid delusions because they share his mental health issues.
Their online behavior and history for several years now has demonstrated a clear and obvious anti-social personality disorder that they all appear to suffer from to varying degrees.
Their assertions, bizarre interpretations, and intentional misrepresentations don't make me 'crazy'.
Their assertions, bizarre interpretations, and intentional misrepresentations make them demonstrably crazy. Lol.
I'm not going to bother with all of the item's that they posted because they're obviously irrelevant to the bizarre allegations they're making and because it would take a complete and total moron to see those as evidence of anything other than a lame attempt to smear me. No surprise that Kreepy comments on those posts but doesn't comment anywhere else.
However, they appear to be just getting warmed up so I expect the cacophony of the loons to get louder as the evening wears on. Lol.
I've just selected one post to demonstrate the extent of their pathological lies.
First, of course, we have the usual threats which are a joke as far as I'm concerned. The only thing Tommy is successfully wrecking is his own reputation and he did that long before I came on the scene with his cyberharassment of others after he stupidly got conned (or so he claims - he's not the most credible person given all the lies he spews). Cyberharassers frequently play the victim card when they want to recruit others to participate in their cyberharassment campaigns.
[caption id="attachment_156" align="aligncenter" width="554"] Thomas Schroeder aka Thomas W. Cook aka Juliet Biehl, et al[/caption]
Ironically, they've been at this for months and have only succeeded in recruiting two Tards to go after me directly both of whom are demonstrated cyberstalkers, cyberbullies and cyberharassers in their own right and have their own independent histories of defaming innocent people online.
Now to address the lies in the screenshot at the end of this post. They're a joke but it's always good to have the response out there in writing so that those who actually want to find the truth will find it.
Lie 1 is defamatory libel from Heather Martin:
'...Kevin Annett uses Anonymous Hackers to do his dirty work.'
In the article, itself, Heather Martin claims that I am the said 'Anonymous hacker' along with numerous other vicious and unsubstantiated lies. She appears to be quite experienced at this cyberharassment thing given that she uses all the standard deceptions and demagogic tricks in her blog that the dishonest use when they haven't actually got a rational argument or evidence.
Without even getting into the rest of it, at bare minimum, Heather Martin, if she was a normal, sane, rational human being would have evidence that I'm a 'hacker' before she published such nonsense.
She hasn't produced any evidence because there is none. She can't produce any because I don't hack. That, in and of itself, makes all of her allegations there questionable. However, at some point, in the future I'll address them in more detail in this blog.
I've already given a fair amount of background on Ms. Martin here, here, and here. There are two additional blogs written by others about her as well, here and here. The articles written by me on the first two blogs, or at least that information will eventually be moved to this blog and deleted from those other blogs. The third article is from this blog.
Now, you should also note the cowardice and incompetence here. All of these chickenshits are hiding in Heather Martin's skirts, using her blog to attack me and she isn't even seen in the discussion. Lol. At least not yet. No doubt she'll show up at some point.
They want to make sure that the heat is directed to her and not their cowardly asses. She will kow tow to this because she really is as stupid as they are and she's unable to see that they're simply throwing her under the bus just like Michael is unable to see that they are doing the same to him. All of their behavior here is the definition of crazy.
They don't show Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love's blog which libels me directly because he's a chicken shit little coward who can't stand the heat generated by his own actions.
Lie 2. is Michael Babcock's delusion. I've never said anywhere that he was Heather Martin nor have I said anywhere that the sock he uses in this thread, Lilli Alpert is Heather Martin. Lilli Alpert is Michael Babcock's sock and I've been aware of it for months.
Lie 3. is Babcock's delusion but it's also a group delusion. That is, all of them continuously make that allegation, that everyone on the list is being called a Child Trafficker. I suppose I could be generous and just assume that they've misread the PTR site repeatedly but that would make me delusional. Lol. I'm actually being kind by calling it a delusion since the only other option is that it's a flagrant lie.
If you go to the site it doesn't allege that everyone on the list is a DarkNet Child Trafficking Scammer. Read it for yourself. The allegations are quite clear to anyone who has a basic grasp of the english language. I don't use too many big words there. There is also evidence provided that is explicit to each allegation.
Lie 4. more lame threats from Tommy Tard and his delusion that my interactions with friends or people that I'm having friendly interactions with is 'brown-nosing' Lol and his implication that he's going to enlighten them. That's going to be more amusing than I can even tell you for reasons that Tommy Tard has no clue about. I think I'll keep those reasons to myself and let him make an abject fool of himself. In fact, I might just wait for a couple of days before publishing this blog, just to ensure that he has every opportunity to demonstrate just what a whacko he is. This calls for popcorn. :-D
Lie 5. Babcock claims that the 'truce' I attempted to negotiate with him only lasted 8 hours. It didn't even last that long. Babcock was sharing my emails with Heather Martin from the start and had no intention of having a truce. He did remove my information and links from some of the sites but not all, claiming that he couldn't access all of them. It was merely a token gesture but it reduced the number of lies out there and he wasn't adding me to the new blogs he created at that time.
I removed his name from the web site which is the only place it was at that time and there was no other commentary about him there at that time. Only his name. Just having his name appear in one location on the Internet was apparently enough to drive him quite mad and target me and even having it removed wasn't enough for him to deal with me honestly.
That's pretty crazy and extreme behavior given the fact that I upheld my side of the truce for months and was not involved in anything related to him until he crossed the line recently.
His name was added back to the site after he published several of those new and identical hate blogs filled with lies and defamatory libel, all of which included me. Obsessive much?
He included me because he really is quite a stupid man and got conned with the lamest trick in the book, by the person who initially exposed the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam. That person created a blog about Michael but used a template that I use on one my blogs. That was enough to sucker this Tard into turning me into a target again and obsessing about me. ROFL.
The sheer stupidity that has been demonstrated over and over and over again by the members of this group belies belief.
Another one of Babcock's delusions is his allegation that I 'agreed the PDF was fake'. No, I didn't. I said I didn't know whether the word 'Echelon' had been added to the top and I stated that it looked like the PDF that Antonio aka Kree showed me. In addition, I pointed out that at least 2 other people received that PDF directly from Antonio aka Kree and attested to it being genuine.
I also attempted to explain to this Tard who thinks he's the Guru of the Internet how Google Docs works and why there is, in fact, another rational explanation for the modification label. Unfortunately like I've said before, repeatedly, you can't reason with Tards. It simply isn't possible. That's what makes them Tards. No amount of evidence, rational argumentation, reason will ever get through their thick skulls and their pet paranoid delusions. And therein lies the strongest evidence that they are indeed mentally ill in some way, most likely with some sort of anti-social personality disorder.
Lie 6. Babcock's delusional allegation that 'I spazzed at him'. ROFL. This one is hilarious because if he ever produces the email, which he used to call a 'rage email', all I'm doing is asking him, quite calmly and politely, why he gave my emails to Heather Martin. We were still communicating by email and 'negotiating' our 'truce' when Heather Martin posted her hate post which included chopped up versions of my emails to Michael. (Refer back to Lie 5 where Michael claims the 'truce' lasted 8 hours. Lol.
And, of course Heather Martin was added to list after I saw the blog post. She got played, was stupid and decided to play and those were the consequences.
If she wants to stop playing and removes those posts on her blog with my name in them, all of my posts and any references to her associated with this group of Tards will be removed. It's her choice. I have no illusions whatsoever about what her choice will be. Those who suffer from anti-social personality disorders are quite predictable.
Lie 7. Yes we know Julie Ann Larson, the elementary school teacher from LA County is just pure as the driven snow and it's just her bad luck that all her recent exBFs were pedos (according to her) and deserved to be harassed IRL and cyberharassed and she 'didn't do anything'. ROFL. Just like Javeria Laila isn't her sock. ROFL. Julie Ann Larson was actively targeting me and others. There is no question. Just like there is no question that Javeria Laila is her sock. Her scam is to lie and then beg and plead with people 'not to tell anyone what she said' to ensure that she doesn't get caught in her lie. Of course, anyone who wasn't delusional would know that the real world doesn't work that way and people talk and love to show off their screenshots.
Lie 8 by Michael Babcock was addressed in my response to Lie 5. His name was placed back on the site and I'm including him in this blog because he placed me on that site that he created on Kreepy's behalf. If he hadn't done that he wouldn't be receiving such special attention here and his name would not have been added back to the PTR site. He made his choice and has only himself to blame for it. If he removed everything (and this time I would require everything removed with no excuses accepted) then he will also be removed from all posts and the web site. Again, I have no illusions about the choice that he will make because as I said, those with anti-social personality disorders are quite predictable.
The fact that they are predictable doesn't mean that you don't offer people an out and all of these people have that out if they want it. They are the one's who instigated this cyberharassment campaign against me and others based on Kreepy's lies. They can stop it anytime they choose by removing the lies that they've had posted everywhere.
They choose not stop it because, in my opinion, they are all mentally ill drama whores and narcissists who suffer from some form of anti-social personality disorder and who feed on negative attention, enjoy hurting innocent people, and simply don't want to stop. Nothing demonstrates that better than their actual behavior over the past 11 months as well as in the following post and the posts that I will be posting which will detail the entire progression of events in their own words.
“With ropes wove from their own words shall they be hung” –Oison Sweeney
[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignleft" width="554"] Thomas Schroeder, Julie Larson, Michael Babcock ( as Lilli Alpert ROFL)[/caption]
Sound just like Skepchick