Cyber bullying (cyber-bullying, online bullying) is the use of electronic information and communication devices such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, mobile phones, pagers, and defamatory websites to bully or otherwise harass an individual or group through personal attacks or other means, and it may constitute a computer crime.
Cyberbullying is willful and involves recurring or repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text. According to R.B. Standler (2002)[1]bullying intends to cause emotional distress and has no legitimate purpose to the choice of communications. Cyberbullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender. Cyberbullying may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech)
The term cyberbullying was first used by Canadian educator Bill Belsey, creator of the Web site Other terms for Cyber-bullying are "electronic bullying," "e-bullying," "sms bullying," "mobile bullying," "online bullying," "digital bullying," or "Internet bullying." --CyberBullying Wiki
Irrespective of what these people want to call themselves to establish Internet street cred in order to give themselves a veneer of 'coolness' or what they claim to be in their real lives in order to give themselves a veneer of credibility or authority, what they actually are is nothing but goons and criminals.
Cyberbullying is indeed a computer crime when one examines the various facets of what it is the cyberbullies actually do.
Now, let me just be clear that, in my opinion, there's a difference between hacktivism and computer crimes.
Historically, civil rights movements have broken laws which were unjust or covered up corruption. The Hactivists represent the new civil rights movements and I don't consider them criminals. What they are doing has a socially redeeming goal whether that's exposing corruption, enforcing transparency, or using dDos or interruptions of service to protest (virtual sit-ins).
That said, let's do that by examining the actual demonstrable activities of some of the people engaging in other computer crimes while engaging in the computer crime of cyberharassment..
Note that these people have, for the most part, committed multiple computer crimes. In the case of some, numerous computer crimes. I am only focusing on the single most obvious one they've committed and the one that is easiest to prove.
They also make the same allegations about us but have never explicitly and publicly demonstrated that I or most of the other people they've targeted have done the things they claim. All they do is screech their lies and frame people with obvious frame-ups that anyone with half a brain should be able to see through.
They have some evidence against one person of some minor things (not the things they actually allege he did). Everything else is exaggerations of minor offences, misrepresentations of innocent events, blatant lies or fabrications. They use the small amount of evidence that they do have against that one person to attempt to establish credibility with their bullshit and lies against everyone else.
Since that one person also has a lot of people who dislike him for various reasons, he's the bait they use to recruit people to target everyone else.
1. Antonio F. Lopez
[caption id="attachment_10" align="alignleft" width="300"] Kree Love aka Antonio F. Lopez[/caption]
Antonio is a 30 year old American who moves back and forth from the US to the UK. When in the UK he usually lives with his mother in Oxford.
He is impersonating a 16 year old UK teenager named Kree Love online.
He is familiar with details of Kree Love's biography which he has established as his own and has identification in Kree Love's name.
The real Kree Love is a teenager who ran away from home when he was 15 and joined the Occupy London group living in their encampment. He was interviewed by the media, photographed at the time and claimed to be 18. This was a story he told consistently to any members of the Occupy London group he associated with as well. Presumably he just didn't want to deal with the potential fall out if anyone found out he was a runaway. He's an attractive and apparently bright young man who probably has no idea what is being done to his name and reputation online.
Given that both Antonio F. Lopez and Kree Love's mothers live in the same area it's quite likely, in my opinion, that Antonio actually knows Kree Love and that access is probably what he was able to take advantage of whether it was by stealing his identification or by conning the teenager into giving him permission to use it.
Either way, it's a computer crime because the real Kree wasn't old enough to give permission when he was under 16 and whether he would be considered old enough to give permission at the age of 16 is dependent on the law in the UK.
That's not a question that I can answer.
The details on how I know this and the evidence collected will appear in another blog in a few days.
Antonio has impersonated others as well when he created fake Facebook accounts in order to cyberstalk people. His latest was an attempt to friend my Facebook page and join Jay Marshall's anti-pedophilia Facebook group,Op Scarecrow, by creating a fake profile of an existing real life Florida artist. I won't tell you what mistakes were made and how Jay and I exposed him because, in this particular case, doing that will simply give him what he needs to cover his tracks better next time and we don't want that.
All criminals have defining modus operandis and impersonating real people is Antonio's MO.
He has also committed numerous other computer crimes including fraud, cons, theft, and claiming professional expertise in areas where he either just has a basic knowledge or may have no knowledge at all.
His claims to be a programmer were exposed as false rather quickly when he was unable to identify my Anonygrans web site in his defamatory and false dox on Doxbin as a Flash site and claimed it was a WordPress site.
His posting of the Doxbin dox is a violation of the California Penal Code where he has lived.
He is running a defamatory libelous blog attacking me directly with some pretty vicious and unsubstantiated lies like alleging that I'm a 'child stalker' as well as using the typically demagogic strategy of taking things out of context and misrepresenting them.
Antonio was part of the RIP Tards and appears to get a great deal of pleasure out of hurting people.
Antonio, impersonating Kree Love, also claims that he wants to be Fed double agent. Getting paid from both sides presumably. From a Skype Chat with another person:
[3/11/12 10:41:31 AM] Kree Love: It would cost me
[3/11/12 10:41:40 AM] Kree Love: $2800 to get an online associates degree
[3/11/12 10:41:43 AM] Kree Love: from Salford University [Editor: ref to (Corrected from Stanford)]
[3/11/12 10:41:53 AM] Kree Love: in Counter Terrorism
[3/11/12 10:41:57 AM]Kree Love: which allows me to apply for jobs
[3/11/12 10:42:02 AM] Kree Love: in the NSA and FBI.
[3/11/12 10:48:24 AM] Kree Love: CHUNDER MOTHERFUCKER
[removed]: you gonna work for them ? You MF traitor
[3/11/12 10:48:33 AM] Kree Love: Nein.
[3/11/12 10:48:37 AM] [removed]: I got your MF bitch
[3/11/12 10:48:48 AM] Kree Love: I'll just double agent for a bit.
[3/11/12 10:55:01 AM] Kree Love: I just want to be legally allowed to carry a fully armed supressed handgun on the streets of New York and London
[3/11/12 10:55:04 AM] Kree Love: wearing a suit.
2. Heather Martin
[caption id="attachment_11" align="alignleft" width="300"] Heather Martin of Saskatoon CyberBully[/caption]
Heather is a 43 year old Registered Nurse employed at a large Saskatoon Hospital, who engages in what used to be considered a hate crime in Canada but is still considered a crime. Committing Defamatory Libel in Canada is a Criminal Code offense. Cyberstalking is considered Criminal Harassment.
She runs a defamatory libelous and vitriolic hate blog targeting a single individual, well known and well respected, anti-pedophilia social activist Kevin Annett.
She engages in cyberstalking Kevin to groups that he's a member of and which she has no interest (she's religious, has demonstrated a vitriolic hatred of atheists in her blog, yet joins atheist groups that Kevin is in).
She spreads rumors behind the scenes consisting of vicious and unsubstantiated allegations about Mr. Annett in order to convince others both to remove their support of him and his social activist causes and to defame him.
Since she started that blog, others have created similar style blogs targeting her in, in the same way, in retaliation. While I don't agree with that style of retaliation one can hardly blame people for reacting to her abuse against Mr. Annett so strongly.
If anyone defends Kevin, their name, along with the most vicious and unsubstantiated defamatory libel will be added to her hate blog as mine has and others like First Nations social activist and member of AIM, Charley Brown.
Here’s what WikiSpooks has to say about Kevin Annett, the person this woman has chosen to defame:
Kevin D. Annett (aka. Kevin McNamee-Annett, and Eagle Strong Voice born 1956 in Edmonton, Alberta) is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada. He has authored three books about Canadian aboriginals - Love and Death in the Valley, Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust and Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor.
His treatment at the hands of the Canadian Establishment over his persistent, selfless advocacy for the indiginous populations of Canada, is an object lesson in the gross self-seving dishonesties, corruptions and hypocricies of power.
Filing false police reports and complaints against those she doesn't like is also standard practice for Heather and something that she has publicly admitted to on the Internet. When those false reports and complaints get ignored because ... well ... they're false, she decides that the person she filed them against must be under RCMP protection and an agent. Lol. Seriously.
Heather appears to be a person with a hair trigger temper and a vindictive mean streak. It doesn't take much to get her going and attempts to reason with her will be met with failure.
I know. I tried.
Heather's modus operandi is misrepresentation combined with outrageous lies that have shock value.
3. Michael Babcock
[caption id="attachment_12" align="alignleft" width="237"] Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster CyberBully[/caption]
Michael is 30 years old claims to have a job now and yet still manages to spend hours on his computer in Cambridge Narrows, (outskirts of Moncton) New Brunswick.
He considers himself a l33t h8x0r and Guru of the Internet. He has no formal training in IT but has picked up a few tricks of the trade as a hobbyist and thinks he knows more than people who have had years of training and experience on the job and in the industry.
Most, if not all of that time appears to be spent committing computer crimes of various types including the framing of one of the people on their hit list to support their lies that he's a pedophile by creating a fake site using his name as the domain name. I discuss this in detail and provide evidence in the post, CyberBullies: How Far Will They Go?
In the area of computer crimes I will accept the fact that he is far more skilled and adept at committing computer crimes than I am since I'm not a criminal and don't commit computer crimes. I admit that my knowledge is severely lacking in that particular area of expertise. Lol.
He, like Heather, admits publicly to filing false police reports and complaints against people he obsesses about.He, on the other hand, doesn't appear to notice or care that he's being ignored by these agencies and it doesn't stop him from obsessively filing more. He's been doing this all year and including me in these reports completely without cause, despite the fact that I have explicitly told him that I had nothing to do with these incidents and he has no evidence that I did.
This plus the following are the demonstrable indications that he appears to suffer from sort of extreme obsessive disorder.
For example, it wasn't enough for him to post one dox to a site where the pastes could not be removed unless the original poster kept a special delete link provided at the time of the original posting.
In fact, it's never enough no matter what the situation.
He used an autobot to flood the site with thousands of false, defamatory libelous pastes calling someone a pedophile and me and others pedophile enablers for no other reason than we associate with him.
Using an autobot to flood a site with data, in and of itself a criminal offense. He admitted doing this in an email. OTOH the likelihood that would have cared or charged him is nil.
Shortly after Michael did that the site was confiscated by Interpol and the owners arrested. I have no idea what the impact of Interpol seeing thousands of posts calling me a pedophile enabler will have on me or even worse the impact it will have on the person being falsely accused of being a pedophile.
Everything Michael does he does to extreme which indicates that he may have some very serious, untreated psychological issues.